Phone enquiries welcome
Nth Is. 09 217 2099    Sth Is. 03 421 3799
Phone enquiries welcome:    North Island. 09 217 2099   |   South Island. 03 421 3799

About Us

CheckedOut are a couple of kiwis with a genuine interest in the Real Estate industry.

If it's broke... fix it!

Our goal is to provide homebuyers with trustworthy, cost effective Due Diligence before they make that life changing decision.

From individual experiences we all had as homebuyers, some of the processes within the sector just made no sense to us and appeared to be backward, slow and costly.

Not being Agents, Inspectors, or Insurers, we have a unique, empathetic perspective of how everything works within the industry from the point of view of everyday sellers and buyers.

We want to ensure report owners can share their due diligence with other home buyers- both receiving benefits from the one report. That's the sharing economy we want to be part of.

Why CheckedOut?

The name CheckedOut just made sense because that's what we want to help everyone do; check everything out, but at the same time ensure they have options when things don't quite go to plan and they miss out on a property.

We wanted to provide buyers with an affordable way to immediately view a report or order their own MSIP building inspection, whilst ensuring they have a chance to recoup some of the cost from missed opportunities they may encounter whilst looking for their new home.


We wanted to find a quick, trusted way to provide potential buyers with information they could trust & rely upon before making one of life's biggest decisions.

CheckedOut was born.